Truth Center

From Blind To Conscious Love

3 DAYS WORKSHOP (5-7 July 2024) WITH SVAGITO LIEBERMEISTER to learn to understand your behavior, feelings, beliefs and sometimes physical problems as a result of belonging to a collective group. 

WHO IS IT FOR: Anyone who has hardship in relationships, parent children conflicts, non-functional business relations, unsolved health issues, lack of direction and fulfillment in life, trouble in relation to money.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT: In every social group certain unspoken and mostly unconscious laws guide the behavior of everyone who belongs to that group. Suffering usually arises if one or more members of the system unconsciously violate these archaic laws.

Solution-oriented interventions bring understanding, clarity and healing to all our relationships, including parents and original family members, partners and children and also towards work and business partners.

Family Constellation is a powerful method to help us quickly recognise and dissolve unhealthy entanglements within our family system that sometimes involve several generations. It is a unique method to overcome and heal collective trauma.

Svagito picture

SVAGITO LIEBERMEISTER is a psychotherapist and spiritual teacher who has been a disciple of the enlightened mystic, Osho, since 1980. In his courses and training groups he combines Western therapy methods with Eastern methods of meditation, and is known for his clarity and heartfulness in teaching and supporting people in their personal growth. Read more about him here.

FROM BLIND TO COUNCIOUS LOVE is a 3 day workshop to help us find peace and reconciliation with the members of our family, or anyone with whom we are closely related. We learn to understand the underlying cause of any relationship problem, and discover how we are connected to the collective energy field of our family, culture or country, and how traumas of past generations still influence our lives and the decisions we take. The unconscious bonds towards our parents and family members span many generations and are at the root of most people’s suffering.


Date: July 5th – 7th, 2024

Time: Friday 10:00 – 20:00 (end time is approximate)

Sat/Sunday 07:30 – 20:00 (end time is approximate)

Place: Kadaka Conference Center, Kadaka tee 4, Tallinn, Estonia 

Language: Workshop will be held in English with translation into Russian

Workshop fee: 330€ (includes only participation and соffee/tea breaks. Participants need to organize their transport to and from the venue, accommodations if needed, lunch, etc.)

To save your place, please write to to register and you will be sent bank details to transfer the 100€ participation confirmation fee. The rest of the amount needs to be transferred before the 30th of June to the bank account or can be given in cash on site, before the start of the workshop. 

SPECIAL Early Bird fee: the price of 280€ applies if you make one full payment of 280€ to the bank account before the 30th of April 2024.

Please let us know if you need an invoice for your company and we will arrange it.

Space is limited, so hurry up!