Truth Center


Date: 17-20 October 2024

Location: Ojako Recreation and Training Center in Pärnu County (Google Maps)

Why choose this workshop?

Do you feel that something is missing in your relationships?

Maybe there’s a great person next to you, but there’s something between the two of you that’s causing dissatisfaction.

Or maybe you’ve achieved a lot in your life, but you still feel insecure or undervalued in your relationship.

If you’re ready to bring new breath to your relationship and are looking for a path to deeper intimacy and understanding, this training is for you and your partner.

What will you get?

  1. In-depth and practical knowledge: You’ll learn to see clearly and understand what’s happening in your relationships. During the workshop, we will cover important topics such as different dynamics in relationships, setting boundaries, and understanding the impact of childhood on adult relationships. The theories and exercises are selected to be practical and immediately applicable.

  2. Personal support from experienced instructors: The training is led by Priit, Irina, Kristel, and Monica, whose life experiences have inspired the creation of this workshop. Their personal stories and professional knowledge provide valuable lessons and support to help you better understand what’s happening in your own relationship.

  3. Deeper connection and intimacy with your partner: In the training, you’ll learn techniques to strengthen your relationship. Among other methods, we use constellation work and various body therapies. These methods help you and your partner achieve a deeper connection and trust.

  4. Exclusive and inspiring environment: The Ojako Recreation and Training Center in Pärnu County provides the perfect setting for deepening your knowledge, learning, and gaining new insights. The beautiful natural surroundings, professional atmosphere, and healthy food create an ideal environment for a truly transformative experience.

Training topics:

  • Self-worth and a sense of sufficiency: Learn how to better value yourself and your partner.
  • Managing excessive reactivity: Work on your emotions and reactions to avoid escalating conflicts and understand the deeper reasons behind your responses.
  • Drama triangle and “games” in relationships: Become aware of destructive dynamics in relationships and how to step out of them.
  • Setting boundaries: How to set your own boundaries, recognize and respect the boundaries of others without losing yourself.
  • Creating lasting agreements: How to create and maintain agreements that strengthen the relationship and increase trust in each other.
  • Impact of childhood and family history: Explore how your family’s past shapes your current relationships.
  • Mature relationship vs. codependent relationship: Learn to distinguish different relationship patterns and how to move towards a more mature relationship.
  • Healthy and functioning partnership: Tools and techniques to help you create and maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

Who is this workshop suitable for?

  • Couples who wish to deepen their relationship and create a stronger bond.
  • Individuals seeking clarity and a deeper understanding of their relationships.
  • Those who want to learn practical and effective methods to create lasting changes in their relationships.


Workshop Start: October 17, 2024, at 10:30 AM (Registration, accommodation, and welcome coffee with light snacks from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM)

Workshop End: October 20, 2024, at 4:30 PM

Note: If you wish to book additional nights before or after the workshop, please contact the Ojako center directly.

Location: Ojako Recreation and Training Center in Pärnu County (

Language: The workshop will be conducted in Estonian. Depending on the group composition, translation into English and Russian will be provided if needed.

Secure your spot in the workshop: Fill out the registration form below, and based on your selections, we will send you an invoice.


Early Bird special price €790 – valid if you register and make a non-refundable full payment before September 15, 2024, or until the first 20 spots are filled.

Full price €880 – from September 16, 2024, until spots are available.

Participation confirmation fee €440, if you prefer to pay the full price in two instalments.

The full course fee must be paid no later than October 15, 2024.

The number of spots is limited to ensure a personalised approach for all participants.

The workshop fee includes the training, accommodation in double rooms, and delicious healthy meals.

When planning the menu, we take participants’ food allergies and intolerances into account. Please indicate your special requests in the registration form below.

Why is this workshop important?

This training is an investment in your relationship and yourself. The opportunity to achieve greater satisfaction and joy in your relationships is something that will accompany you throughout your life. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn and grow together with your partner—it could be the beginning of something truly special!

Register now and take a step toward a deeper understanding and harmony in your relationship!



Certified Constellation Practitioner and Couples Therapist

A key principle that has guided me for a long time is awareness. I believe that the greater our awareness, the better choices we can make in our lives. This awareness allows us to open ourselves up to deeper love and the sacredness of life.

I am a certified Imago couples therapist and have been working with couples for the past 10 years. I see how similar dynamics repeat in different relationships and how simple techniques can create positive change and restore the connection between partners. Even in relationships that seem to be at a complete standstill, it is possible to move toward solutions if both partners still have the will to maintain the relationship and grow through it.

I first encountered constellations in 2007, and it became a turning point for me to see the world from a systemic perspective. This led me to pursue training in this method. In 2013, I completed a 3-year training program in family, organizational, and structural constellations and began conducting workshops and retreats. I use the constellation method and a systemic perspective to solve various problems in both individual counseling and couples therapy.

For more information about Kristel, visit:



Founder of Truth Center, experienced husband, father of five, lifelong entrepreneur and startup enthusiast, and a dearmouring therapist.

Since childhood, I have been fascinated by people, trying to understand who I am and who the other beings around me are. Despite my good intentions, my energetic nature often led to misunderstandings in life. I meant well, but I was constantly made to feel that I was a tyrant, always overpowering others. This happened both in business and in my personal life.

I then thought I would try to please everyone, but in the process, I lost myself to the point where I no longer understood who I was or what I wanted. In the wake of business and marital failures, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, during which I attended countless international trainings and workshops. I have experience from various fields, including business, tantra, shamanism, dearmouring, constellations, and many others.

Through my journey, I found myself and regained my balance. With all my “good” and “bad”, I now see that I have the ability to pass on this knowledge and empower others so they can stand up for themselves, act consciously instead of from their shadow side, and clearly express what they want and do not want. And most importantly, to rediscover themselves.


Certified Neurocoach, bodywork and dearmouring therapist.

At 19, I married the man who became the father of my children. I fell in love with him at 13, and our relationship was the first in my life.

In that relationship, I completely lost myself. I wore clothes he bought for me without consulting me. All our activities, trips, and interests were planned by him. I worked at a job he provided for me, and even the decision to have our second child was made solely by him. When I turned 28, my husband ended up in prison. This event turned my life upside down, and I realised that my entire life was not what I had thought it was. That was the moment I began my journey to discover who I am, what I want, and how I can take care of myself.

Over the years, I have participated in various groups, therapies, and trainings. I work with clients primarily through the body and nervous system.

Neurocoaching is an innovative method based on understanding the mechanisms of the brain — how the brain functions, learns, and how we make decisions.

With this knowledge, I understand how brain processes influence the formation of habits, behaviour patterns, and emotional states, and I use various tools to achieve the changes people desire in their lives.

I believe that life is much more beautiful when shared, and people are much happier in fulfilling relationships. Now, I have the skills and tools to help people achieve this.


Health Therapist, Certified Holistic Regression Therapist, Personal Trainer, and Nutrition Advisor

Although I have a university education from Tallinn University of Technology and worked for years in a technically demanding job, studying people and supporting their mental and physical health has been a part of my life for decades.

I have continuously improved my skills and learned new professions to support people in a holistic way.

The knowledge and practical experience I have acquired today allow me to work with individuals on multiple levels.

I am currently studying constellation techniques at the Constellation and Conscious Development Institute. I am excited to share everything I can teach through movement and body awareness.

For more information about Monica, visit: